Romanian Friends of Alianta
For some time, we’ve wanted to make it easier for individuals and companies in Romania to get involved, and to grow our network of leaders who want to see a stronger relationship between the U.S. and Romania, with more networking for Romanians and Romania supporters wherever the location. Romanian Friends of Alianța, established in 2019, organizes networking and business events in Romania, about 3-4 times a year, to which members will be invited.
Now, if you’re based in Romania, all donations and sponsorships will be tax and VAT- deductible, in accordance with Romanian law concerning non-profit entities.
For more information, contact Georgiana Toader, Co-founder, Romanian Friends of Alianta in Bucharest, at Georgiana.Toader@vtm.ro
ROMANIAN FRIENDS OF ALIANTA, a non-profit organization, duly registered in Romania. Address: 87 Dr Iacob Felix Street, Sector 1 Bucharest
Now, if you’re based in Romania, all donations and sponsorships will be tax and VAT- deductible, in accordance with Romanian law concerning non-profit entities.
For more information, contact Georgiana Toader, Co-founder, Romanian Friends of Alianta in Bucharest, at Georgiana.Toader@vtm.ro
ROMANIAN FRIENDS OF ALIANTA, a non-profit organization, duly registered in Romania. Address: 87 Dr Iacob Felix Street, Sector 1 Bucharest

Visa Waiver for Romanians
Since its founding, Alianta has supported efforts in Congress to end discrimination in the US visa system against Romanian citizens. Today, Romania is one of only four EU countries which are not part of the US Visa Waiver program, which allows EU citizens to visit the US without a visa. Alianta is working with members of Congress, the Romanian Embassy, the travel industry, and interested American ethnic organizations to change the law.

2020 US Census Campaign
Alianta, together with the Romanian Embassy, community and church groups around the country, is planning to support the upcoming US 2020 Census with an important social media campaign to encourage Romanian-Americans to mark themselves down as of Romanian-origin during the census.
Estimates of Romanian-American strength in the US, vary from 800,000 to 1.5 million.
To make sure every American of Romanian heritage knows how to note that on their Census form, Alianta is launching campaign with Romanian Americans across the country to get the word out. An accurate count will help strengthen the US/Romanian partnership by showing the role of Romanian Americans in communities form coast to coast. Details will be announced October 4 at the Conference following the Gala. Stay tuned!