As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the US Census, originally targeted for April 1, has been extended until August 14, to allow responses through the summer. So far, only a little over half of Americans have filled out their Census forms.
Alianta, together with the Romanian Embassy, community and church groups around the country, is supporting the US 2020 Census with an important campaign to encourage Romanian-Americans to mark themselves down as of Romanian-origin.
Estimates of Romanian-American strength in the US, vary from 800,000 to 1.5 million. To make sure every American of Romanian heritage knows how to note that on their Census form, Alianta has launched a campaign with Romanian-Americans across the country to get the word out. An accurate count will help strengthen the US/Romanian partnership by showing the role of Romanian Americans in communities form coast to coast.
Join our campaign by pledging to register as Romanian, spreading the word or donating to help Alianta reach as many Romanians as possible.